
Off to the Printers

As of last night, Cellar Door One has finally been ushered off to the publisher! In about a week we should be holding the first proof of the book. It has been a long journey and there will be tears of joy upon holding that copy in my hands. As soon as I have an idea from the printers about how long it will take to receive the first shipment of books I will be announcing the first release party (for those of you in town...or willing to travel). I'll also be collecting addresses of those of you who contributed and are not nearby so I can send you your copy.

Be sure to take notice of the recently established guidelines and deadlines to get your work into the next book. I am very happy to say that we have lots of interested (and interesting!) people who'd like to be involved with Cellar Door Unraveling. I (Michael Prince) will be the chief editor again, Caitlin Calvert will be working very closely with me as editor and Hamza Pecenkovic will be taking the seat of art director this time round (you should check out his work and his project at www.IndieGoGo.com/MurderMachine).

If you'd like a copy of the guidelines for Cellar Door Unraveling just e-mail me at Cellar.Door.Book@gmail.com.

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